55 hours and counting…
Lee Bronson loved puzzles and riddles. He did not like his family, not at all. Therefore on his passing, Mr. Bronson's will stipulates that the family has seven days to solve his riddles if they want their share of the inheritance.
If they failed, which he assumed they would, his estate would then be donated to various charitable organizations.
But for certain people outside of the Bronson family, giving the money to charity is totally unacceptable. This group of individuals would do anything and everything to get their hands on the Bronson fortune.
With time running out, and the Bronson family making very little headway on solving the conundrum of the will, Bobby, Brandon, and Bre are thrust into the unthinkable.
They have 55 hours to solve Bronson's riddles and locate his fortune, or lose the single most important part of their lives... their parents.
The phenomenon continues...